
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Three years old!

    The past three years have been so hard with my little Theo! It started at three months old when he stopped sleeping for longer then two hours at a time. The constant fussing and the need to be with me at all times! This continued all the way up until recently! Something has changed in my little man, he seems so much happier and let me tell you he keeps us laughing! He is stubborn and has an attitude, but he is so loving and sweet at the same time! My baby isn't much of a baby any more, but I sure do love this three year old little boy! I love where life is taking this family! I am so proud of my kids and love watching them grow! I am blessed.


  1. Theo is amazing! and we love him so much. Him and twin-twin will be such good friends ;)

  2. i got such a kick out of theo yesterday, amy! he is a little firecracker, much like penelope. they seem to have a lot in common and i love it!
